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Little Trip

I decided to take my own little trip for once, it was the first time I've ever really gone anywhere far on my own accord. I drove from Oceanside to Los Angeles, not that far but it was a big step for me. I drove along the Pacific Coast Highway for most of the drive North, many places were closed, so I didn't make many stops. I drove through some very beautiful places and some questionable ones.

With a recommendation from my Dad, I stopped at Rodeo Drive, Los Angeles, a place where the rich and famous go to shop. I walked around for a bit and observed the high-end scenery while respecting all social distancing guidelines of course. There were quite a few people out shopping that day, many were wearing designer clothing, others were dressed casually, but they all carried themselves a certain way that let you know that this was their domain. I believe that I was dressed pretty respectfully, the only thing that I think made me stand out was my camera that hung from my shoulder. I didn't once use my camera while I was there, I was too busy looking around, so it was sort of pointless to have at that moment. As I walked along the street I would say “Hello” or “Good evening” to those I passed by, no one returned the greeting. I was met with the occasional side glances from other pedestrians or shop associates, but I really couldn't bring myself to care. I remember a time where I would have been discouraged by such things, but I had a strange amount of confidence that day. I sat at a little coffee shop to have something to eat and drink, all while continuing to watch this unfamiliar place operate. At one point the shop sign fell over, a few people walked passed it, but no one picked it up. I got up and put it back the way I saw it, which was wrong I guess because one of the shop workers came and adjusted it. When I finished with my little meal I proceeded to clean up my dishes, but I was stopped by the waitress and was told that I didn't have to. I was told after that “You aren't from around here, are you.”, when I inquired as to what gave them that impression, I was told that no one would just go and pick up a sign or try and clean up their table, I just replied with “That's just how I was brought up”, and continued with my day.

My next stop was Venice Beach, a completely different place from Rodeo. This time, I was dressed too nicely for the area I was in, which made me stand out again. While walking around I was greeted with many different people. There were those who were handing out mixtapes, selling their artwork, climbing the pull-up bars, falling while trying to land an insane jump on their skateboard, and some just sitting and watching the world go by. I was met with an occasional catcall every now and then, but I really wasn't bothered, in a way Venice was more pleasant than Rodeo. I did take photos there, I captured some decent photos of skaters, street artists, and just some of the artwork displayed on the surrounding surfaces. I ended my trip with a few purchases from the local sweet shop.

When I got home, I gave my parents the souvenirs I got them and told them about my trip. It was small but enjoyable, I'm already looking forward to my next little adventure.

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Unknown member
Sep 24, 2020

This sounds like a really nice day!! I’ve never been to Venice, but have always wanted to visit, and you made it sound 10x cooler 😎. Also your writing style is really nice and homely too. Keep up the good work, I can’t wait to read more from you :)) btw this is Zeda ❤️

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